Specialty Products
Our brand DIAFLOT® brings together a range of specialized chemical reagents, such as collectors, frothers, dispersants, and insoluble depressants, designed to optimize flotation processes in mining. These reagents improve the recovery of valuable minerals and increase selectivity. We offer specific collectors for Cu, Cu-Au, Cu-Mo, Cu-Pb-Ag, and Zn, which reduce the consumption of xanthate, lime, frothers, and depressants such as copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, and cyanide.
Our brand DIAFLOC® offers a range of specialized chemical reagents, including polymers/flocculants (anionic, cationic, non-ionic, and rheological modifiers), as well as coagulants (organic and inorganic), designed to optimize water and industrial effluent treatment. These products improve water quality, ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and help reduce operational costs.
We develop the ideal specialty product for water treatment or mineral flotation, ensuring maximum performance for your process. We have a team of metallurgical and chemical engineers who, in coordination with your plant personnel, conduct sedimentation and flotation tests. These tests are carried out in our Metallurgical Research Laboratory or at your facility, with the aim of developing the product that best suits your needs and optimizing the efficiency of your operation.